
Showing posts from November, 2017

Is tobacco dangerous during breastfeeding?

In general, the dangers of smoking cigarettes are well known by the population since they are real and especially during pregnancy. But is the combination of breastfeeding and smoking also to be prohibited? And for what reasons? Breastfeeding: the dangers of smoking cigarettes  Smoking causes addiction and health risks. Active smoking, as well as passive smoking, promotes the appearance of various pathologies, from chronic respiratory diseases to cancers and cardiovascular diseases. If during pregnancy, it is strongly advised to stop smoking since smoking is harmful to both mother and fetus, it should be known that these recommendations also apply to the breastfeeding period. Nicotine passes into the mother's bloodstream and its absorption by the baby increases the risk of various problems: colic, ENT and, of course, nicotine intoxication. How to combat tobacco addiction?  To stop smoking before pregnancy, during pregnancy or even while breastfeeding, it is recommended that

My e-cigarette smells like burning, what can I do?

It can happen that you experience a very unpleasant burning taste when using your electronic cigarette. Here is the explanation and solution. The principle of the electronic cigarette is to heat a resistance in contact with liquid e. When you press the button of the e cigarette, the battery will provide the energy to heat the resistance and the liquid in contact will evaporate. Sourcec : Vaptio NI PRO 240W The resistance of your e cigarette is wrapped in cotton (or a similar material) to prevent leakage. The resistor cannot be put in direct contact with the liquid because there would be a lot of leaks. When heating, the resistance does not directly heat the liquid e but rather the cotton which is soaked in liquid. The principle is thus the following: by putting liquid e in your tank, it will be in contact with the cotton of your resistance and the cotton will gradually absorb the liquid.  For this to work well, cotton must be soaked well. It is necessary to heat the cotton im